The Followers of Baba Yaga - A secret society for Amazing Adventures

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Followers of Baba Yaga


A secret society for Amazing Adventures

The Followers of Baba Yaga are a secret society originally from the Russian kingdom that has spread all over the world mainly through Russian immigration. Since the October Revolution, the political influence in Russia has strongly diminished as its head figure Grigori Rasputin was at least officially murdered because of his unruly influence on the Czar and his wife in December 1916.

Grigori Rasputin (via Wikimedia Commons), Picture in Public Domain

Goal and Intent

The Followers see themselves in the tradition of the famous sorceress Baba Yaga who is called a witch by most people outside the Followers. They try to get into possession of strong arcane artefacts to get more powerful as a society but also to bring Baba Yaga herself back from the dead. The Followers oppose the idea of personal wealth and greed but instead see the world as a place that needs a fresh start with a more rural, less feudal, but also less liberal ways. A society made of craftspeople and farmers, where local wise men and women are supporting and advising village-like communities. Needless to say, that the Followers see themselves as those ruling wise men and women.

Reach and Resources

The Followers are a society that consists of many skilled arcanists and in many countries around the world, they may have exceptional members. While some members may have individual wealth the society is not about money. Instead, members tend to have some influence on local figures of power as advisers or healers or even close friends. Using social skills and charms, they may get favours, money or other means to fulfil the goal of the Followers.

Membership Requirements

Although there is no written formal qualification process, full members are expected to be skilled arcanists with high charisma. Being from the countryside and coming from a small village may help. An individual who wants to join the Followers needs to have the endorsement of three members.
Many times older members take an apprentice about the age of 15 and train them in the arcane arts. Having mastered the art to a satisfying degree those apprentices may become members, but only when there is an unclaimed area.
Obviously, members are expected to follow Baba Yaga, and that means to serve the common cause of gaining artefacts and resurrecting the old witch.

Membership Benefits and Drawbacks 

The immediate benefit is some access to the arcane knowledge of the society. Members tend to have collections of ancient arcane knowledge with existed only in oral form and that falls outside the usual academic traditions. A member might utilise that knowledge

Operations and Activities

Most operations involve finding arcane objects and getting them to a member that understands the artifact in question.


There is very little complex hierarchy. Every member is more or less equal, with the exception of the regional leaders and the overall leader. This is due to the fact that in each area of at least 20 km radius there is only one member. One may imagine the members as a modern analog of the local witch. There is only one of them and thus very little motivation to rise.

The benefit of being a regional leader is more on an advisory level, while the overall leader is seen as a representative of Baba Yaga and can rely on obedience of the other members.

All being more of less equal does not mean that there are not members with a higher reputation that might influence other ones more likely.

Interior Mobility

In order to rise in the society you need needs to build up reputation which is done by collecting artefacts.

Degree of Secrecy

Very high. While individual members like Rasputin might be well known public figures heir participation in the Fellowers of Baba Yaga is moreorless completely unknown. It takes direct involvement in the sect or in one of their operations. Most henchman would only know that the work for a certain guy, but not the structure of the secret society behind.


Expanded Background:

Members of Note

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