Perry Rhodan in Cortex Prime Heroic - Part 1
Disclaimer All rights regarding Perry Rhodan and any parts belonging to the series of novels under that name belong to Verlag Pabel-Moewig in Rastatt. This page is a fan product as described here by the series' editor in chief. All rights regarding Cortex Prime are licensed to Magic Vacuum Design Studio. The Cortex Prime Heroic System is in a beta/testing state right now and details can be found on the Kickstarter page here . I would like to thank Magic Vacuum Design Studio for the permission to write about this and to publish the following character files. (Titelbild Perry Rhodan Erstauflage Heft 2721, © Pabel-Moewig Verlag KG, Rastatt) Perry Rhodan in Cortex Prime Heroic We had a very successful test of the upcoming Cortex Prime Heroic system in the Perry Rhodan setting. Perry Rhodan is the main character of the series of science fiction books that is running in Germany for more than 50 years. It is a very epic space saga where story arcs span thousands ...