RPG Review - StarSiege

Disclaimer: I am trying to read an RPG book a month this year as part of this Google+ community . The following review is based on reading and some dry testing, but although I tried a copuple of times, I never managed to get a group together in the last weeks. Introduction As my RPGaMonth for January I have read Troll Lords 2008 Science Fiction RPG called StarSiege: Event Horizon. You can get the whole thing at DTRPG and there is a free QuickStarter available http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/58817/StarSiege-Introductory-Manual . Unfortunately, my playtest did not happen in time so everything that follows is based only on reading the thing. I hope that I can play it for real in the near future and will add some more comments here then. compared Screenshot of the Cover of the StarSiege Box Set. The books itself are b&w. The basic review StarSiege comes in a box with three different books. There is the Field Manual which could be called the player's handbook, t...